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Bell MTS

Video On Demand

What is Bell MTS Video On Demand?

Bell MTS Video On Demand allows you to rent movies without leaving the comfort of your couch. You’ll never have to return a movie again or pay another late fee. With Bell MTS Video On Demand, you can:

  • Watch the movies you rent as many times as you want, whenever you want, within a 24-hour rental window.
  • Easily rewind, fast-forward, and pause your movies; no extra equipment needed.
  • Instantly access our movie library with your remote control.

We will continue to update our library with new and exciting movies and programs.

Learn More:

What is Bell MTS Subscription Video On Demand?

Bell MTS Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) allows unlimited access to packages such as Movie Central, Super Channel, Treehouse On Demand and AOVTV On Demand for one flat monthly fee. You decide when to watch the program. DVD/VCR functionality is available, such as pause, rewind, fast forward and stop.

Watching Bell MTS Subscription Video on Demand

After subscribing to the Bell MTS SVOD service only the packages you are subscribed to will display in the Video on Demand menu.

  • Press VIDEO ON DEMAND on your remote control.
  • Use the arrow buttons to highlight the TV service on the side panel.
  • Use the arrow buttons to highlight program title or program category, then press OK.
  • The Video On Demand Summary Screen presents program details.
  • With Play highlighted press OK.
  • When the program ends, the SVOD menu presents the options
    • Watch – Will begin Playback of the video again.
    • Browse programs in subscription – Will allow you to browse the entire Subscription TV category you are currently viewing for more programming.
    • Add to my list/Remove from my list – Allows you to add or remove the Subscription on Demand program/episode from the Bookmarks under the My Videos category.
    • Remove from Recently Watched – Allows you to remove the program from Recently Watched section under My Videos.


If the program is locked by rental locking, you are prompted to enter your parental PIN before you can watch the program. For more information, see Parental Locking.

How do I order a Bell MTS Video On Demand movie?

The Video On Demand Screen provides a simple online storefront that makes it easy to find and rent video programs.

  1. Press Video On Demand. The Video On Demand Screen appears, with these categories:
    • Featured
    • Movies
    • TV
    • Crave, HBO & More
    • TV1
    • Series & Events
    • Rented & My List
    • Search
  2. Press the down arrow button to highlight Movies category, and then press the right arrow button to view any of the subcategories, and press OK.
  3. Highlight the video you want, and press OK.
  4. A Program Info Screen appears and enables you to:
    • Rent – To purchase a video rental.
    • Watch Trailer – To watch a preview of the video (free of charge).
    • Add to My list – To add the video into the Bookmarks category of My Videos.
  5. To rent the video, highlight, Rent (>) icon, and press OK.
  6. To confirm your selection, highlight Rent for $____, and press OK. Confirm the rental by highlighting Rent now and press OK

The video will begin playing immediately.


If the video is locked by parental locking, enter your pin to unlock the video. The video will remain unlocked until you finish the video or you tune to another program.

Using the Bell MTS Video On Demand Channel

You can also access Bell MTS Video On Demand through channel 53 in your Guide. You can tune to and away from the channel, just as you would any other channel, to access current rentals.

Play a Bell MTS Video On Demand movie you have rented

You can play your rented video anytime within the 24 hour rental window.

  1. Press VIDEO ON DEMAND. Select Rented & My list from the side panel.
  2. Highlight the video you want to watch under Current Rentals, and press OK.
  3. Highlight Watch, and press OK.


  • If you pause the video before it finishes, highlight Resume and the video will playback from where it left off. To restart from the beginning, press Start Over and press OK.
  • If the video is locked by parental locking, enter your PIN. The video will remain unlocked until you finish the video or tune to another program.

Controlling Videos

You can use pause, rewind, and fast-forward videos, using your remote control.

There are different results for some of the buttons depending on which button was pressed previously.

  1. Press Pause to freeze the video.
    • Use the Stopped Video Screen to resume watching the video.
  2. Press Stop to stop the video.
    • Press Play to start playing the video from the beginning.
  3. Press Rew or FF to rewind or fast-forward through the video.
    • Press Rew or FF once, twice, or three times to rewind or fast forward at increasing speeds.
    • Press Play to resume playing at normal speed.
  4. Press Skip or Replay to skip forward or backward in short segments.
Stop a Bell MTS Video On Demand movie from playing

Press Stop. Highlight one of these options and press OK:

  • Resume Play – The program will begin playing from the point at which you pressed Stop.
  • Start Over – Replays the rented program from the beginning.
  • Preview – Allows you to view a trailer of the video for free.
  • Add to My lists – Allows you to add the video for quick access under Bookmarks in the My Video category.
What to do when a Bell MTS Video On Demand movie finishes

When a rented video finishes playing, the Video Program Info appears. Highlight one of these options and press OK:

  • Watch – Will begin playback of the video again.
  • Watch Trailer – Allows you to view a trailer of the video for free.
  • Add to My list/Remove from My list – Allows you to add the video for quick access under Bookmarks in the My Videos category or if the video has already been added, this will allow you to remove it from the Bookmarks.
  • Remove from Recently Watched – Allows you to remove the video from the Recently Watched category under My Videos.


Hours of operation