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How to enter product information

Adding a product

To add a product to EasyStore Pro:

  • Select the “Products” tab and click on Add. A window will appear, allowing you to enter the following product information:
  1. The "Attributes" category allows you to define:
    • Indicate the product name, description, price, and weight.
    • Designate a maximum quantity per order. If you wish to remove a quantity restriction, you must make this field blank.
    • Mark items as Sold out, Backordered, Discontinued, On Sale and New; if you wish to mark an item, remember to make sure "Apply Mark As" is checked.
    • Designate an item as "tax exempt" if taxes should not be applied to this item.
    • Items can be displayed on your storefront's main store page below the catalogue listing; if you want the item to only appear in a catalogue, make sure "hide from view: on main page" has been checked. Items can also be hidden from catalogues. Note that if an item is hidden from catalogues and the main page at the same time, then the item will not be visible at all to customers.


      When entering product descriptions, only the first 256 characters of the description will be displayed in catalogue listings. When an item is clicked on, the item description will be displayed in full.

  2. The "Type" category allows you to define what kind of product you are creating. Your choices are as follows:
    • Physical Item: this is a regular store item.
    • Not a Physical Item: this is not a shippable item; this type does not require a shipping weight to be specified.
    • A Donation: Use this setting for donations or similar intangibles. The maximum quantity per order is not adjustable and is set to "1". The price cannot be defined by the store owner; the user can set any amount desired.
    • Downloadable File: Shipping is not required. This does not require a shipping weight and the maximum quantity is automatically set to "1". A payment gateway must be set up to use this item type. After a successful payment has been made, customers are taken to a download page. This page displays the download message, and a link to download the file. This file must exist in your /secure/storemaker/download directory.
  3. The "Prompts" category allows you to enter up to two kinds of choices your customers can select (e.g. size and colour), please note that your choice values (e.g. small, medium, large), should be separated by commas without spaces, and are displayed in the order they are entered. To enable a product prompt, make sure "Apply Prompt" has been checked for each prompt you wish to display.
  4. The "Images" category allows you to enter in the location of thumbnail and full-size images you wish to use for the item you are editing. You may either enter in a relative path or full URL to the image you wish to use, e.g.:
    1. Relative paths are entered as "/storemaker/images/<filename>"
    2. Full URLs are entered as "http://<domain name>/<directory path>/<filename>"
    3. In either case, the /public/ directory should not be entered as part of the path.

    If you have an image on your computer which you wish to use for your product, when you get to the section of the wizard (or the “Images” section of the “Products” tab if you are manually configuring your store) which asks you to type in the URL or relative path for your image, simply click on the “Browse…” button at the bottom of your screen. A dialogue window will open, allowing you to locate and select the image you want to use. Then click the “upload” button and your image will be uploaded to your /public/storemaker/images/ directory. Please note, you will still have to manually enter the URL or relative path to your image. The “browse” and “upload” buttons are convenient methods of uploading images for your store’s use.


    Thumbnail images are scaled by default to 60 x 60 pixels, and full-size images are scaled to 200 x 200 pixels. If you would like to change these default settings, see the topic titled Setting global product image sizes.

  5. The "Discounts" category allows you to set a discount for the specific item you are adding. Discounts are triggered by ordering more than the quantity listed in the "Orders exceeding" field. You can choose to have the discount be a percentage, or a specific dollar-value discount. You may also advertise the discount by entering in a discount message. Please note, to make the discount available to customers, the "Apply discount" checkbox must be selected. Also, to display the discount message, the "Apply Message" checkbox must be selected.
  6. The "Catalogues" category allows you to select which catalogue(s) the item will be displayed in. Your item must be registered with at least one catalogue for your item to be available to customers.
    • To add your item to a catalogue, select a catalogue from the “Available catalogues" list, and click [+].
    • To remove your item from a catalogue, select a catalogue form the list if catalogues the item is displayed in, and click [-].
  7. The "Stock" category allows you to track how much of the item you still have in stock. To track the stock of an item, you must select "Apply stock counter", enter in your initial stock quantity in the field provided, and click [+]. You can manually readjust this value by entering in a number and clicking [+] or [-]. If you wish to receive a warning by email when your stock is getting low, enter in a number under "stock warning level". When your stock is reduced to this level, you will receive a warning. The email will be sent to the same address as order notifications are sent.
    • Click OK to return to the main "Products" tab. You will see a list of your current products listed. If you wish, on this page you may view a list of products which appear in specific categories.
    • If you have more products to add, click on Add and repeat the above process.


Make sure you click Apply before moving to the next subcategory, or your settings will not be saved.

Editing product information

Editing product information

To edit a product in EasyStoreMaker Pro:

  • Select the “Products” tab.
  • A list of your current products will be displayed. You can sort this list by product name or SKU number. Changing the sorting method here does not affect the product display order in your storefront.
  • Select the product you wish to edit from the list, and click the Edit button.
  • You may then go through all of the subcategories listed in the section titled Adding a product, and modify the information as you see fit.
  1. The "Attributes" category allows you to define the following:
    • Indicate the product name, description, price, and weight.
    • Designate a maximum quantity per order. If you wish to remove a quantity restriction, you must make this field blank.
    • Mark items as Sold out, Backordered, Discontinued, On Sale and New; if you wish to mark an item, remember to make sure "Apply Mark As" is checked.
    • Designate an item as "tax exempt" if taxes should not be applied to this item.
    • Items can be displayed on your storefront's main store page below the catalogue listing; if you want the item to only appear in a catalogue, make sure "hide from view: on main page" has been checked. Items can also be hidden from catalogues. Note that if an item is hidden from catalogues and the main page at the same time, then the item will not be visible at all to customers.


    When entering product descriptions, only the first 256 characters of the description will be displayed in catalogue listings. When an item is clicked on, the item description will be displayed in full.

  2. The "Type" category allows you to define what kind of product you are creating. Your choices are as follows:
    • Physical Item: this is a regular store item.
    • Not a Physical Item: this is not a shippable item; this type does not require a shipping weight to be specified.
    • A Donation: Use this setting for donations or similar intangibles. The maximum quantity per order is not adjustable and is set to "1". The price cannot be defined by the store owner; the user can set any amount desired.
    • Downloadable File: Shipping is not required. This does not require a shipping weight and the maximum quantity is automatically set to "1". A payment gateway must be set up to use this item type. After a successful payment has been made, customers are taken to a download page. This page displays the download message, and a link to download the file. This file must exist in your /secure/storemaker/download directory.
  3. The "Prompts" category allows you to enter in up to two kinds of choices your customers can select (e.g. size and colour), please note that your choice values (e.g. small, medium, large), should be separated by commas without spaces, and are displayed in the order they are entered. To enable a product prompt, make sure "Apply Prompt" has been checked for each prompt you wish to display.
  4. The "Images" category Allows you to enter in the location of thumbnail and full-size images you wish to use for the item you are editing. You may either enter in a relative path or full URL to the image you wish to use, e.g.:
    • Relative paths are entered as "/storemaker/images/<filename>"
    • Full URLs are entered as "http://<domain name>/<directory path>/<filename>"
    • In either case, the /public/ directory should not be entered as part of the path.

    Note: thumbnail images are scaled to 60 x 60 pixels, and full-size images are scaled to 200 x 200 pixels.

  5. The "Discounts" category allows you to set a discount for the specific item you are editing. Discounts are triggered by ordering more than the quantity listed in the "Orders exceeding" field. You can choose to have the discount be a percentage, or a specific dollar-value discount. You may also advertise the discount by entering in a discount message. Please note, to make the discount available to customers, the "Apply discount" checkbox must be selected. Also, to display the discount message, the "Apply Message" checkbox must be selected.
  6. The "Catalogues" category allows you to select which catalogue(s) the item will be displayed in. Your item must be registered with at least one catalogue for your item to be available to customers.
    • To add your item to a catalogue, select a catalogue from the :Available catalogues" list, and click [+].
    • To remove your item from a catalogue, select a catalogue form the list if catalogues the item is displayed in, and click [-].
  7. The "Stock" category allows you to track how much of the item you still have in stock. To track the stock of an item, you must select "Apply stock counter", enter in your initial stock quantity in the field provided, and click [+]. You can manually readjust this value by entering in a number and clicking [+] or [-]. If you wish to receive a warning by email when your stock is getting low, enter in a number under "stock warning level". When your stock is reduced to this level, you will receive a warning. The email will be sent to the same address as order notifications are sent.
    • Click OK to return to the main "Products" tab. You will see a list of your current products listed. If you wish, on this page you may view a list of products which appear in specific categories.
    • If you have more products to edit, select another product, click on Edit and repeat the above process.


Make sure you click Apply before moving to the next subcategory, or your settings will not be saved.

Global Settings

Global Settings

Found under the "Products" tab, the "Global Settings" category allows you to set the following general options:

  • Set default to automatic or manual SKU number generation for product creation.
  • Set default product image sizes. By default, the image sizes are set to 60x60 pixels for thumbnails, and 200x200 pixels for full-size images. You can change these default settings as desired; however, the settings you use will apply globally to all product images. You cannot set different image sizes for each product in your store. Whatever you set your image dimensions to, all images you use for products will be scaled to these dimensions. E.g., if you set your thumbnail image size to 100x100 pixels, and use an image which is 105x123 pixels, it will be resized to 100x100 pixels.
  • Main Product Page Order. If you have products displayed on your main store page, you can set the order in which these products are displayed.

When you are finished modifying global settings, click Apply to save your changes or Cancel to abort any changes you have made.

Deleting a product

Deleting a product

To delete a product in EasyStoreMaker Pro:

  • Select the “Products” tab.
  • A list of your current products will be displayed.
  • Select the product you wish to delete from the list, and click the Delete button.

Your product has now been deleted.


Hours of operation