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How to manage catalogue information

Adding a catalogue

If you have many items available for purchase at your store, an easy way to categorize your items is by using the catalogue feature in EasyStoreMaker Pro. Catalogues will increase the ease with which customers will be able to locate the item(s) they are looking for.

To add a catalogue to EasyStore Pro:

  • Select the “Catalogues” tab and click on Add.
  • A list of the current catalogues should come up. If you haven't made any catalogues before, this list will be empty. Click on Add to create a new catalogue. If you have a special catalogue which you do not wish to display all the time, you can check the box marked "hide from view", and that catalogue will not be displayed in your store.
  • In the "Attributes" category, enter the catalogue name, description (if you wish) and the sorting options. The sorting options allow you to indicate how you want the items in that catalogue to be displayed. A second setting allows you to indicate how to sort specially-marked items (e.g. on sale, sold out, etc). If you have an image on your computer which you wish to use for your product, simply click on the Browse... button at the bottom of your screen. A dialogue window will open, allowing you to locate and select the image you want to use. Then click the upload button and your image will be uploaded to your /public/storemaker/images/ directory. Please note, you will still have to manually enter the URL or relative path to your image. The “browse” and “upload” buttons are convenient methods of uploading images for your store’s use.
  • Click OK to return to the main "Catalogues" tab. You will see a list of your current catalogues listed.
  • If you have more catalogues to add,  click on Add and repeat the above process.


Make sure you click Apply before moving to the next subcategory, or your settings will not be saved.

Editing catalogue information

To edit a product in EasyStoreMaker Pro:

  • Select the “Catalogues” tab.
  • A list of your current catalogues will be displayed. You can set this catalogue list to display alphabetically in ascending or descending order, or you can set a custom display order by clicking on a catalogue name and using the "+" and "-" links to move the catalogue up or down one ranking in the list. Note that changes made here affect the order in which the catalogues are displayed on your storefront. Make sure you click apply to save changes made in the catalogue display order.
  • Select the catalogue you wish to edit from the list,  and click the Edit button.
  • You may then go through all of the categories listed in the section titled Adding a catalogue, and modify the information as you see fit.
  • Click OK to return to the main "Catalogues" tab. You will see a list of your current catalogues listed.
  • If you have more catalogues to edit,  select another product and click on Edit and repeat the above process.


Make sure you click Apply before moving to the next category, or your settings will not be saved.

Deleting catalogues

To delete a product in EasyStoreMaker Pro:

  • Select the “Catalogues” tab.
  • A list of your current products will be displayed.
  • Select the catalogue you wish to delete from the list, and click the Delete button.

Your catalogue has now been deleted.


Hours of operation