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Managing your orders online

Viewing your orders online

EasyStoreMaker Pro allows you to view your orders online securely and safely. The web pages are secure, and the actual file which holds the order information is encrypted. All of this is handled through an interface which is fast and easy to use.

To view and manage your orders online, either follow the URL provided in your notification email, or log into WebsiteOS, open EasyStoreMaker Pro and click on the cash register icon located near the bottom of the main application window. You will be taken to a log in screen, where you must enter your Login Name, which is the domain your store is on, and your password, which you created under the "Security" tab when you set up the store.

If you have forgotten your password, click on the link on the log in screen titled “Forgot your password?” and your password will be emailed to the notification email address you entered in the store settings under the “Security” tab. This feature is particularly useful if the person who receives notifications and manages the orders is different from the person who has access to EasyStore Pro’s settings.

After logging in, you will be taken to a page which summarizes all unfilled orders. You can select how to sort the list. Clicking “Received Date” will sort them by date received. Clicking on this heading again will toggle the list between ascending and descending order. Similarly, you can also click Card Type.

If you click on any of the links listed under “Details”, the full information for an order will be displayed. Clicking Print on this page will print the order details currently being displayed.

To switch between “Open” and “Filled” orders, click on Filled Orders. The filled orders list is virtually identical in layout to the Open Orders list, with the exception that only the first and last four digits of credit card numbers are visible. To switch back to the Open Orders list, click the Open Orders button.

The Print button will print up the current order summary page.

Filling orders

After you have taken whatever steps are necessary to fill a particular order, in the message details for that order, click on Order Filled. By default, the current date is used. Before you mark the order as filled, you can edit this date in the field beside the “Order Filled” button.

Once you have flagged an order as filled, it is no longer in the Open Order list; it will now only be viewable in the Filled Order list. Only the first and last four digits in a credit card are displayed for a filled order. Once an order has been marked as filled, there is no way to recover this credit card information.

Deleting orders

To delete an order from either the Open or Filled Order list:

  1. Go to the list from which you want to delete orders.
  2. Click on the checkboxes in the right-hand column beside any of the orders you want to delete.
  3. Click on the Delete Selected button, located in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  4. A confirmation box will come up. Click yes.
  5. The list will refresh; the items flagged for deletion will be gone, and there will be a message at the top of the screen stating which orders were successfully deleted.


Hours of operation